James and I had really wanted Santa to bring Jessica a Little Tikes Picnic ‘n Play Playhouse. It took us a long time to decide that is what Santa should bring, so we were bummed when it was out of stock everywhere that had it at a price Santa could afford. It finally came in stock at Wal-mart and arrived at the store closest to us using the ship-to-store option last Monday. We put it together during Jessica’s nap Saturday afternoon. It is really neat in that it is a playhouse, but it also has a slide and climbing steps. The slide section is attached to the playhouse via a door that can open up allowing for more play area.
Jessica tried it out after her afternoon snack and she absolutely loved it. In fact, every day since Saturday, she goes to the back door and points to it.
Yes, it came with a phone (no batteries required).
The seats can swing to the outside and the table can flop to the outside as well.
She is just barely tall enough to reach the button to turn on and off the light (2 AA batteries required).
Here’s a little video of her enjoying her playhouse.
What a FUN santa gift! Looks like she loves it!
Looks like Jessica loves her Santa present. She has the cutest expressions on her face. Loved all of the pictures. She is just too cute going down the slide !