Janette turned 3 months old last week. I had great plans to post this on her 3 month birthday, but I am definitely slow on putting together these updates.
I was looking at the 3 month post for Jessica to see what kind of things I talked about, and I have to say Janette does not get as much tummy time as Jessica did. She does get to play a fair amount on her play mat, usually starting out on her tummy. She also sits in the Super Seat watching big sister play.
She is quite the scooter. During playtime, she’ll scoot around on the playmat and will end up at a slightly different location than when she started. At night, I start her out at one end of the crib with her face under the mobile and by morning she is at the other end of the crib, which brings us to sleeping. At night she is a fabulous sleeper. She consistently sleeps about eight hours at night before waking up hungry. This is typically around 5:30 AM. Daytime sleeping is another story. I haven’t been able to get her to nap during the day in her crib even though she sleeps so well in it at night. She naps 30 minutes or so in the bouncer or swing and if we leave the house in the carseat. Walks are nice because then that nap can become longer as the carseat in the stroller moves. After looking at the post from Jessica at 3 months, I don’t feel so bad that Janette doesn’t nap well, since apparently Jessica was the same way at this age.
Unlike Jessica, Janette does not take a pacifier nor does she suck her thumb. However, usually this isn’t a problem. Occasionally, she will get really worked up, but most of the time she is such a happy laid back baby.
Janette is quite the drooler. I never understood parents having their little babies wear bibs before, but now I do. The bibs definitely keep her clothes from becoming soaked.
About 3 weeks ago, I starting packing away the 0-3 month cloths. Lengthwise, they were definitely getting short and some were starting to get pretty snug too. I feel bad that she didn’t end up wearing some outfits, but she received some new ones, so I can’t feel too bad that she didn’t wear some of Jessica’s old outfits.
Janette is really starting to interact with people. She will coo and smile. I also love her little giggle when we go in for the kiss.
She enjoys bathtime unless she starts to get hungry.
We usually give Janette her bath after Jessica goes to sleep, but when we don’t, Jessica loves helping out.
She helps out in other ways too. She will often bring a burp cloth for Janette or bring Janette “Janette’s toys.” We still have to tell her be gentle, but overall she is really good with Janette. I have to be careful though, because she can climb into Janette’s crib. For some reason, she enjoys spending time with Janette in there. It is a good thing we have a door safety lock on Janette’s door, because I would hate for her climb in when I wasn’t in the room.
Janette is definitely making our life more enjoyable and interesting.
Beautiful pictures. Two lovely daughters that will bring lots of fun in the years to come.
A lesson that took me a while to learn is not to buy clothes at all for the second (yes, I’m saying that out loud – as a middle child). I had to buy some when Trevor was a baby since he was born at a different time of year than Cameron, but now that he can wear the same thing for a year, I haven’t bought him hardly any clothes. He has been gifted clothes, but other than that, he wears all hand-me-downs. Cameron had so much that he only wore some of it once or twice so it’s practically new anyway. When he gets older and starts to notice that his clothes are all hand-me-downs, that’ll change, but I’m saving money until then!
Can I believe my eyes. Sarah said not to buy new clothes for the second child!
Yeah, I haven’t bought any clothes for Janette. And I actually exchanged some of the clothes I did receive for a bigger size. Jessica and Janette having birthdays two weeks apart, I don’t have the seasonal issue, but I had so many 0-3 with Jessica that some of the 0-3, especially the sleepers, I received as gifts I exchanged for bigger since I don’t have as many in those sizes.
What cute girls you have, Jessica looks so big!
Loved the pictures! You and James will have many fun memories to share as they grow up. They are just precious. Apparently I wasn’t much of a daytime sleeper either as a baby; but, I slept well at night. Or at least that is the story Mother used to tell about me. Probably one of many stories she told.