BIOLUMINESCENT WORLD by Magical Scraps Galore is a magical collection inspired by Pandora, the World of Avatar section at Animal Kingdom park. From the astounding floating mountains to the bioluminescent flora, Na’vi natives and soaring banshees, this collection includes everything you need to scrap your Pandora pictures, whether you are exploring the otherworldly landscape during the day or after sunset, riding the boat down the Na’vi River, or taking flight on the back of a mountain banshee.
Find the full collection at 58% off -or the individual kit and add-ons at 30% off– through Tuesday midnight at and .
I love this kit! Unfortunately, I haven’t been to Pandora yet, so I had to think outside of the box for what to scrap. I ended up choosing these photos from a visit to the Rainforest Cafe in Galveston.
Digikit: Magical Scraps Galore – Bioluminescent World
Template: Fiddle-dee-dee Designs – Fiddlesticks Number 35
Fonts: KG When Oceans Rise (date); KG Second Chances Sketch (FUN); Signatura (family)
Digikit: Magical Scraps Galore – Bioluminescent World
Template: LJS Designs – Photo Focus 2017 January
Font: KG When Oceans Rise (journal)
Some wonderful inspiration from the Creative Team:
Here’s a peek at what’s coming to Magical Scraps Galore in June!
Thank you and have a great day!