BAYOU PRINCESS by Magical Scraps Galore is a magical collection inspired by the enchanted tale of Tiana. In gorgeous shades of purple, green and gold, this collection captures the Southern charm featuring beautiful elements such as Princess Tiana, fleur-de-lis accents, carnival masks and beads, fireflies, a prince frog, iconic New Orleans lamp posts and railings, Tiana’s restaurant menu, among many other fabulous patterns and goodies.
This collection is perfect to document a Princess meet and greet, your stay at both Port Orleans resorts, plus your trip to New Orleans and your Mardi Gras pictures.
Find the full collection at 58% off -or the individual kit and add-ons at 30% off– through September 13th at and .
I have two layouts to share. They’re both from our 2014 trip to Walt Disney World. This first one is of Tiana and Prince Naveen in the parade at the Magic Kingdom.
Digikit: Magical Scraps Galore – Bayou Princess
Template: Wendy Tunison Designs – Tempations Vol 39
Font: Princess and the Frog
This next layout is about the resort we stayed at, Port Orleans French Quarter. I have one more layout to finish that will compliment this one.
Digikit: Magical Scraps Galore – Bayou Princess
Template: Connie Prince – Thirty
Font: Amazing Grotesk
Some wonderful inspiration from the Creative Team:
Magical Scraps Galore has a new shop at DIGITAL SCRAPBOOKING STUDIO and is having a storewide sale to celebrate!
Come visit Marina’s new home and buy your favorite collections for half the price!
This week we have a gorgeous cluster to share, made by CT member Jenny. Visit Marina’s blog HERE to download and enjoy!:
Stay tuned for Marina’s new collection coming to stores later this month:
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