On the 12th, my best friend Kristy hosted a baby shower for me at her house. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed getting to see everyone.
Evalyn made a beautiful cake that had all the baby animals that are found in the bedding we picked out for the nursery. She is so talented.
We played three games. For the first game, we were given about 24 animals and what their babies are called and we had to match them up. Did you know that a baby turkey is called a poult? My sister won that game. Then we played a game with 10 diapers that had different kitchen condiments in them and you had to guess the condiment. Kristy used such condiments as vanilla, apricot jelly, soy sauce, minced garlic. It was definitely a game for your sense of smell. The final game was guess the pregnant woman’s girth. I stood in center of the room and everyone cut ribbon from a spool to indicate how big around I was. My co-worker Caroline guessed the closest. I think my Mom was the furthest off.