Woodland Fairy captures the playful spirit of childhood fairy hunting. This whimsical scrapbook kit is packed full of adorable hand-drawn elements and subtle details you need to see to believe. Everything from the color scheme to the patterns adds a sense of wonder to your layout. Sunny yellows and shaded greens interplay with pops of teal and blue, while fairies and woodland creatures appear if you look carefully. Everything from hedgehogs to owls to foxes and raccoons can be found in this kit, alongside toadstools and flowers galore. It’s enough to make you want to go hunting for fairies to photograph. Recapture the magic of childhood with Woodland Fairy.
Woodland Fairy is part of this month’s Bits N Pieces. Scraps N Pieces has an element pack, a paper pack, a cardstock/glitter pack, an alpha, an owl add-on pack and a brand new template pack.
I made three layouts and I need to make at least one or maybe two more to finish scrapping a visit to the Lady Bird John Wildflower Center with my friend Kristy in 2009.
Digikit: Scraps N Pieces – Woodland Fairy
Template: Scraps N Pieces – Template Pack 20
Font: Idolwild
Digikit: Scraps N Pieces – Woodland Fairy
Template: Scraps N Pieces – Template Pack 20
Font: Idolwild (title); Another Typewriter (journal/date)
Digikit: Scraps N Pieces – Woodland Fairy
Template: Seatrout Scraps – Cornucopia 1
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