by Magical Scraps Galore is a beautiful collection that celebrates the love of reading. From book shelves to reading glasses, library cards to book worms, e-readers to books galore, this collection has everything you need to document your favorite books, a visit to the library or bookstore, your book club photos, sweet moments reading bedtime stories, and so much more!
You can find the full collection at 58% off -or the individual kit and add-ons at 30% off– through May 30th at and MyMemories!

I have two layouts to share today. Both are related to my love of reading.
Digikit: Magical Scraps Galore – Book-a-Holic
Template: Wendy Tunison Designs – Temptations Vol 42
Font: Hodgepodgery
Digikit: Magical Scraps Galore – Book-a-Holic
Fonts: Doctor Soos Bold (title); KG When Oceans Rise (journal)
Some wonderful inspiration from the Creative Team:

To celebrate the remake of the movie Aladdin releasing this week, Marina’s A MAGIC CARPET RIDE kit is on sale at 40% off through May 30th!:

We also have a fun cluster to share, made by CT member Jenny! Visit Marina’s blog here to download and enjoy!

Stay tuned for my Marina’s new collections coming to her shops in June!: